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Adventure-based Learning & Integration Support
Leadership & Lifestyle Coaching for New Culture Creation

"Don't drink by the water's edge. Throw yourself in! Become the water. Only then will your thirst end."

~ Jeanette Berson
We go beyond the typical corporate team-building event.
Our array of catalytic experiences are not “One-Offs.”  We guide you in applying your insights based on what you noticed AND what may be in your blindspot so, you’re not left wondering:
➣ How do I translate this into my day-to-day life?
➣ Why can’t every day be this fun? 

We go beyond the scope of typical executive coaching.
Leading by example through change and uncertainty requires more than the development of single individuals.   It calls for developing collective wisdom.  Our engagements:
➣ deepen relational awareness in groups toward effective co-creation
➣ offer empathic pathways out of fear and blame.

We go beyond where typical therapists can go.
Compartmentalized appointments don’t easily address unconscious behavioral dynamics and triggers arising from real-time events.  Fear and unresolved trauma are natural parts of everyday life — not to be shamed and battled.  We offer therapeutic experiences without being therapists, in part, because we unlock people’s innate capacity in group settings to safely care, empathize, and love.
Not everyone is ready to experience love and safety in risk-taking. 
Not everyone wants to deepen connection in community. 
But, some yearn for it.

 We get juicy, we get real.  We dive deep.  We bring creative play and loving compassion to explore beyond comfort zones.
We end patterns of conflict, struggle, isolation and avoidance.  We challenge social norms -- addressing what others won't.

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

~ Albert Einstein
At the Individual-Change Level We Believe:

We will continue to experience resistance and conflict as long as we fail to see our judgments of others as mirrors of our own rejection and avoidance of similar parts within ourselves.

Our own wholeness begins with restoring self-integrity.

✺ Self-integrity arises from restoring well-being.  

✺ Well-being is born of love and self-love.

At the Systems-Change Level We Believe:

We will continue to create fragmented systems, vulnerable to failure and collapse, as long as we accept living fragmented lives.

✺ System robustness depends on the alignment of contributors.

✺ Alignment of contributors arises from shared vision.

✺ Shared vision is born of commitment and care for the whole.
By bridging intimacy with innovation, we help you creatively and actively transmute fears which move you from finite to infinite possibilities.  By guiding you through connective practices of mutual empowerment, we help you bring love and safety to risk-taking.  We guide you through the integration of individual-level change into systems-level change, so you can restore the balance and integrity needed in yourself and others to sustain a new culture of innovation.
In this dance of change, let's step into a new paradigm of Risk, Power, and Wisdom together.
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"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

~ Viktor E. Frankl
VITAL SHIFTS supports fundamental change at the systems level through embodied practices of mutual empowerment at the personal level.  We guide the integration work required to move from finite to infinite sources of power.  Helping you transmute fear of change, bringing love and safety to risk-taking as the new mark of leadership, we accelerate the movement of your desires into reality in community.