Real change goes beyond words & workshops
It's in our daily choices.  It's breaking unconscious patterns.

Sustainable change begins with

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“We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom.
The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers.”

- E.O. Wilson
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by
the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
- Albert Einstein
"The best way to predict the future, is to create it."
- inspired by Dennis Gabor, "Inventing the Future"
We build new capacity to move people -- not just ideas.

Your desired transformation becomes real through creative engagement and integration.
Less talk. More walk.
Forging new pathways with wisdom
Living into a new culture -- Co-created together
We change the world in real-time.

Are You Leading BIG CHANGE?
Does it feel like you're "herding cats" toward a vision which isn't entirely clear yet?

Is fear of "being wrong" or "not knowing how" more crippling than anyone will admit?

Do "people issues" and resistance to new ideas threaten to stall your progress?

Welcome to a new world of support for discerning transformational leaders.  If you're serious about making meaningful and sustainable change and, you’ve already "tried everything” — We specialize in non-traditional and non-obvious experiential engagements for catalyzing breakthroughs for your context-specific challenge.

We know that leading change isn’t about so fearlessly charging ahead of everyone else, that you become inaccessible to others and, are left under-supported and alone to bear the consequences of action and inaction alike.  We know that effectively inspiring and empowering others to move with you isn’t just about pushing "more, harder, faster."  Everyone's time, energy, and talent are too precious to waste on over-simplistic “carrot and stick” incentives, when you need to pioneer new territory together — quickly, creatively, and easefully.

Guiding you and your team through integrative opportunities, we happily pick up where theory, expert recommendations, training seminars, and team-building events leave off.  If everyone already "knows" what they're "supposed to do," why don't change initiatives gain traction?  Because knowledge and experience acquired is not the same thing as knowledge and wisdom embodied.

To optimize your investments in knowledge acquisition, we specifically assist you in creative action opportunities for insight integration.  Integrating multiple intelligences to influence lasting behavior change, involves engaging the body, not just the mind.  It involves engaging with non-verbal and non-linear “knowing” to awaken both deeper and higher awarenesses in conjunction with others.

We're willing to address what many others won't because we recognize the power of the subconscious mind as well as the sociocultural conditioning which so often underlies persistent patterns of fear, blame, disconnection, and distrust.

We work with — not against nor, in denial of — your biology and psychology to empower you to empower others, to stretch beyond familiar comfort zones through compassionate awareness and wisdom.

"For every problem, there is always a solution
that is simple, obvious, and wrong."

~ H. L. Mencken
We Open Portals to
Your Infinite Power

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."

~ Mark Twain
Let's stop placing ourselves at a disadvantage - Let's welcome WHAT ELSE is available to us.

For complex times, dealing with inevitable uncertainty, unpredictability, the unknown, and unknowable — We help you develop empowering new capacity to skillfully and co-creatively engage in diverse groups with resourcefulness, alignment, and flow.

Vital Shifts empowers leaders in sustainable service of people, profit, and planet.  We help raise your level of consciousness in action when it comes to exercising:  Risk, Power, and Wisdom.

     ➣ Inspire practices of trust and transparency toward a culture of creative cooperation.
     ➣ Cultivate optimal states of mind which reduce cortisol and boost oxytocin. 
     ➣ Foster mutual empowerment as the foundation for both sustainable and sexy living.

We are your guide and adventure ally so you can relax and be vibrantly alive.  Feed and be fed by a new cultural paradigm that you make real by living into it.

"As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

~ Marianne Williamson
VITAL SHIFTS supports fundamental change at the systems level through embodied practices of mutual empowerment at the personal level.  We guide the integration work required to move from finite to infinite sources of power.  Helping you transmute fear of change, bringing love and safety to risk-taking as the new mark of leadership, we accelerate the movement of your desires into reality in community.